Sicheres Radfahren in einem gemeinsam genutzten Straßenraum

[Safe cycling on shared roads]
Koßmann, I.; Schreck-von Below, B.; Schumacher, M.; Suing, M.; Kübler, J.; Rose, C.; Walkling, A.; Bierbach, M.; Zander, O.; Schneider, F.

The cycling trend continues. In municipalities, federal states and at the federal level, the goal is to further increase the share of cycling as an environmentally friendly mobility option. Promoting cycling can make a significant contribution to achieving important transport policy goals such as reducing CO2 emissions or solving inner-city traffic problems.
However, as more and more people are cycling, especially in large cities, existing cycling facilities are getting congested. Cycling in the city generally takes place in a shared road space. At the same time, the available traffic space in cities is limited and dominated by competition between different forms of mobility. Against this background, a reallocation of space presents many challenges, e.g., the acceptance by all road users. Therefore, overall solutions must be found that meet with broad public approval, as it is difficult to realise optimal conditions for all. The overriding goal here is to promote considerate coexistence of all road users.
The present safety research programme of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) takes up these issues, focuses on research activities for safe cycling in a shared road space and thus on interactions in particular between cycling, motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic on inner-city roads, in order to ultimately be able to provide scientifically sound findings and approaches to measures.
The focus is on the following research topics:
• Traffic culture and climate as well as considerate coexistence;
• Danger perception and assessment;
• Awareness of and compliance with traffic regulations;
• Developing and piloting infrastructure elements;
• Practical implementation of measures;
• Technical measures.
The research programme is open and dynamic in parts, so that new findings and experiences can still be incorporated. All projects are designed in such a way that the expected findings are oriented towards practical needs.
When implementing measures to promote cycling, municipalities are repeatedly confronted with challenges resulting from local infrastructure and traffic conditions. In order to find solutions that are beneficial both to cycling and to motor vehicle traffic, pilot studies will be carried out in close cooperation between the BASt and the city of Freiburg im Breisgau.
The implementation of the safety research programme, which will run for six years, is interdisciplinary and is steered by an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary working group within the BASt. In addition to continuous monitoring of the progress of the programme, it will also be the task of this working group to disseminate findings and report regularly on the progress of the programme. The results of sub-projects will be published in the BASt publication series, among others. Upon completion of the programme, a summary report will be prepared by the working group.

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Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe A: Allgemeines
20220176 ST [electronic version only]

Bericht zum Forschungsprogramm Straßenverkehrssicherheit der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt

Gepubliceerd door
Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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