The significance of organisation-environment relations in the development of sustainable transport system in Finland.

Tuominen, A.

Finland among other countries of The European Union has repeatedly expressed its commitment to the principles of sustainable mobility. Member States and the European Commission are working together to develop a transport system that provides access to people, places, goods and services in an environmentally responsible, socially acceptable, and economically viable manner. Although there is no universally accepted definition of sustainable transport, all the different definitions given consider same kind of objectives relevant for sustainability. Generally, sustainable transport implies finding a proper balance between (current and future) environmental, social and economic qualities. It is less clear which environmental, social and economic qualities should be guaranteed and balanced. (Author/publisher)

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20051141 w ST (In: ST 20051141 CD-ROM)

In: Young Researchers Seminar 2005, arranged by European Conference of Transport Research Institutes ECTRI, Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories FEHRL and Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI), The Hague, The Netherlands, 11-13 May 2005, 14 p., 26 ref.

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