Significance of soft tissue neck injuries AIS 1 in the accident scene and deformation characteristics of cars with delta-v up to 10 km/h.

Otte, D. Pohlemann, T. & Blauth, M.

The task of this study is to analyse the injury pattern of soft tissue neck injuries Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 1 so-called distortions, the descriptions of pain and the deformation characteristics of the cars in low speed collision up to delta-v 10 km/h in frontal and rear end collisions. 50% of distortions occur under frontal collisions. The basis of the study are 1238 belted car occupants with neck distortions AIS 1 documented by the in-depth-investigation team of the Accident Research Unit at Medical University Hannover (Germany). The detailed deformation characteristics of 117 belted car occupants with delta-v up to 10 km/h are analysed and compared to the injury pattern and long term consequences. Pain descriptions are analysed using questionnaires sent to these patients several years after event. (A)

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C 16070 (In: C 16053) /84 /91 / ITRD E203614

In: Proceedings of the 1997 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Hannover, Germany, September 24-26, 1997, p. 265-283, 26 ref.

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