Significance of specialized transportation services to the elderly urban population: case study of Houston, Texas.

Sen, L. & Radhakrishna, A.V.

The role played by specialised public transportation services compared with other modes in transporting the elderly is investigated in this paper. The study ascertained the degree to which this type of service is used, service characteristics most preferred by the elderly population, and characteristics least acceptable to that population. The diverse ethnic characteristics of the urban elderly population were examined to determine their role in the demand for specialised transportation. Data on Houston, from both primary and secondary sources, were examined to determine the use of and demand for such service. In addition, the implications and implementation of the proposed changes on the existing specialised transportation services in Houston were evaluated by using information on existing ridership and service characteristics. The research findings should enable transit planners to better anticipate the future needs of the elderly and provide the services that are in demand. Because Houston is representative of the large urban environment, transportation planners in metropolitan areas should be interested in both its problems and solutions.

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C 25883 (In: C 25873 S) IRRD 848367

In: Specialized transportation 1991 : proceedings of a conference, Sarasota, Florida, October 28-31, 1990, Transportation Research Record TRR 1292, p. 48-52, 7 ref.

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