Siktsträcka till hinder vid nedsatt syn och-eller sliten vindruta = Visibility distance to obstacles for drivers with a worn windscreen and/or impaired visual acuity.

Lundkvist, S.-O. & Helmers, G.

In a field experiment, visibility to obstacles on the road have been measured. The aim has been to investigate how the visiblity distance varies with the state of wear of the windscreen and the visual acuity of the driver. In the study, the state of wear of the windscreen has been varied systematically, while subjects with normal or impaired visual acuity have registered the visibility distance of obstacles in night-time traffic on roads with no stationary lighting.

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C 6547 S /83 /91 / IRRD 862558

Linköping, Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1993, II + 33 p., 6 ref.; VTI rapport ; 382 - ISSN 0347-6030

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