A silk purse from a sow's ear? : predicting current urban freight movements.

Pekol, A. Wigan, M. & Hulbert, J.

Modelling of urban freight movement improves our understanding of its key drivers, leading to the development of more responsive infrastructure, policy and pricing solutions. This paper outlines work undertaken on behalf of Queensland Transport to address this need. Its aim was to combine existing traffic counts, roadside interview data and truck trip tables for Metropolitan Brisbane, to provide Queensland Transport with a current freight matrix and some measure of the confidence that may be placed in the results. The process itself prioritised and weighted the various input data in terms of its currency, quality and level of detail, so that the resulting matrices reflected a balanced combination of new and old, and high and low quality inputs. This approach ensured that the greatest possible use was made of a limited amount of freight data, and proved capable of estimating more than a single matrix by habdling freight vehicles of different types. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E212956.

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C 39609 (In: C 39601 CD-ROM) /72 /71 / ITRD E212964

In: Priority treatment : juggling competing demands : conference papers 2005 AITPM National Conference, Sofitel Brisbane, 27-29 July 2005, p. 145-158

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