Simplified land use assessment on car commuting energy.

Myojin, S. & Suzuki, D.

The model has three submodels: land use, road and railway network, and commuter trips. The first indudes two parameters, residential and workplace with locational densities over the circularized study area. Three kinds of simplified density distributions and the variations are introduced to each resident and workplace, named conic, reverse conic, level and railway-oriented locations, respectively. In the road and railway submodel, the road is defined by traffic lane density distribution, and several simple railway networks are provided. Major parts of the commuter trips submodel are commuter trip distribution, which delivers commuters from residences to workplaces, railway choice and car commuting speed on traffic lanes. Energy for car commuting is calculated using energy rate function. The results are (1) The case without railway; energy is minimized at the combination of conic resident and workplace locations, (2) The case with railway; the effects of railway network and railway oriented relocation on car commuting energy are shown against the combinations of the simplified density distributions. Railway oriented location has characteristic energy use tendency but some details remain to be confirmed. For the covering abstract see ITRD E128239.

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C 35541 (In: C 35524 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E128256

In: Urban transport VIII : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Seville, Spain, 13-15 March 2002, p. 169-179, 2 ref.

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