Simulated household travel survey data : synthetic data in Australia.

Stopher, P. Rose, J. & Bullock, P.

A method has been developed to synthesise household travel survey data from a combination of census and national transport survey data sources. The procedure involves creating distributions of pertinent variables (numbers of trips by purpose, mode of travel, time of day of travel, and trip length) that can be used to estimate travel-demand models. A sample of local residents is then drawn from disaggregate census data, providing detailed information on the socioeconomic characteristics of the sample. Using these socioeconomic characteristics, travel data are simulated from the transport data distributions using Monte Carlo simulation. The paper describes the application of this procedure to Adelaide, South Australia, for which an actual household travel survey exists from 1999. The paper describes results obtained from applying the generic data as the basis of the simulation. (Author/publisher)

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C 28164 [electronic version only] /71 /72 / ITRD E210249

Sydney, NSW, University of Sydney, Institute of Transport Studies (ITS), 2002, 17 p., 9 ref.; Institute of Transport Studies Working Paper ; ITS-WP-02-12 - ISSN 1440-3501

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