A simulation program of a road network controlled by traffic responsive signals.

Needham, R.G.

A model capable of simulating a road network controlled by traffic responsive signals has been developed to help in work on Area Traffic Control. Discrete vehicles are used in the model and each is considered once in each simulated second. The model transfers vehicles from detector to stop line and from stop line to detector with journey- time and stopped- time delays between each. A special feature of the model is the ability to tag and direct certain vehicles through the network and to record their behaviour in detail.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 8788 (In: A 8786)

In: Simulation : first international symposium on traffic control, Versailles, 1-5 June 1970, p. Vb 13/22

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