Simulationsmodell für Tramnetze.

Brunner, P.

This work describes "Tramatik", a simulation program for tramway systems. Such a simulation program is a tool which allows quantifying in advance the effects of future changes to infrastructure or timetables in a tramway system. The aims, uses and limits of tramway simulations are discussed first. Then some existing simulations for tramways, mentioned in the literature, are briefly described and compared to Tramatik. The second part describes the basics of a tramway simulation model, its implementation as a simulation program, the problems arising thereby and the solutions adopted. Some important items and features of the implementation are explained in detail. After this the results of a practical case study, in which Tramatik was used, are presented. Than some future desirable enhancements to the tramway simulation program are proposed. The last part shows how the tramway simulation program may be used for the simulation of other transportation systems, especially railways and local traffic systems, and which information are then to be considered.

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931199 ST

Zürich, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH, Institut für Verkehrsplanung, Transporttechnik, Strassen- und Eisenbahnbau IVT, 1993, 112 p., 11 ref.; Schriftenreihe des IVT ; No. 94

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