A simulator study of the safety implications of cellular mobile phone use.

Stein, A.C. & Allen, R.W.

The mobile telephone industry is growing rapidly as user costs decline and cellular networks are introduced in urban areas throughout the U.S. Well over 80. 000 mobile phone units are in use in California alone. An interactive driving simulator developed by STI was used to investigate the impacts of different types of mobile phone design, use, and mounting locations on driver performance. This paper discusses the experimental approach, methods, and conclusions.

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B 26262 (In: B 26251) [electronic version only] /84 /91 / IRRD 809732

In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 28-30, 1987, p. 181-200, 1 fig., 4 graph., 3 tab., 9 ref.

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