Situational characteristics and turn-signaling behavior.

A.M. Barch, J. Nangle and D. Trumbo.

Turn-signalling was chosen as an area of driver behavior worthy of intensive study. In this paper, the turn- signalling behavior of 10,467 drivers who turned at seven different intersections during daylight hours in the greater lansing area was related to various situational characteristics such as type of intersection, direction of turn, presence of following traffic, etc. The major findings were: (1) turn-signalling was significantly influenced by type of intersection, (2) female drivers generally signalled more frequently than male drivers and both generally signalled left turns more frequently than right turns, (3) turn-signalling behavior was not related to time of day, presence of preceding traffic and/or following traffic, or the signalling behavior of the preceding car. /author/

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Highway Research Board Bulletin. 1958. No 172, pp 95-103, 4 TAB

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