Size, weight and biomechanical impact response requirements for adult size small female and large male dummies.

Mertz, H.J. Irwin, A.L. Melvin, J.W.

This paper summarizes the rationale used to specify the geometric, inertial and impact response requirements for a small adult female dummy and a large adult male dummy with impact biofidelity and measurement capacity comparable to the Hybrid III dummy, the most advanced midsize adult male dummy. Body segment lengths and weights for these two dummies were based on the latest anthropometry studies for the extremes of the U.S.A. adult population.

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B 29032 (In: B 29020) /84 /91 / IRRD 823699

In: Automotive Frontal Impacts. SAE Publication No.SP- 782. International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 27 - March 3, 1989, p.133- 144, 16 ref. SAE Paper No.890756.

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