Skid resistance.


The first group of papers focus on the legal liability of highway departments and personal liability of highway officials for injuries resulting from skidding accidents. Included are discussions on claims and recent court decisions involving injuries in wet weather skidding accidents. The second group of papers address the problem of measuring and predicting skid resistance properties of materials and surfaces. The next 6 papers cover the aspects of correcting skid resistance deficiencies by use of bituminous surface treatments. The last paper is on the topic of wear and texturing of Portland cement concrete pavement as they relate to skid resistance. Leyder and Reichert report on 10 years of research and experience in Belgium with the use of deep transverse grooving of fresh Portland cement concrete. Included are discussions on techniques and devices for grooving as well as performance data.

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B 7488 S /23/

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 1974, V + 152 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Transportation Research Record TRR No. 523.

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