Skidding accidents in winter in Hokkaido by studless tire.

Kaku, T. Hagiwara, T. & Nakatuji, T.

This paper deals with skidding accidents occurring in winter in Hokkaido, Japan. Studless tyres have been in use since a law prohibiting studded tyres was introduced on April 1, 1991. Skid tests were carried out to compare both sorts of tyres, and accident data collected for five years. The friction coefficient between the tyre and the road surface was calculated utilizing police accident data. The German title of this article is: Winterunfälle als Ergebnis der Schleudern der dornlosen Reifen auf Hokkaido.

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C 5289 (In: C 5225 b) /91 / IRRD 865232

In: Roads help to integrate : proceedings of the East-West European Road Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22-24 September 1993, Volume 2, p. 185-189, 3 ref.

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