Skolskjutsar : en litteraturstudie kompletterad med fältstudier från USA = School transport : a literature study with complementary field studies in the U.S.

Nilsson, B.

The aim of the literature study was to obtain new ideas for possible improvements in Sweden. The official documents available in Sweden are concerned with children's interests, i.e. increased safety. Research reports indicate, however, that there ae problems and that the scheme is expensive. The study describes the U.S. school transport scheme, which is well organized and uses a specially designed vehicle for school transport. Efforts concerning increased safett are continuously in progress and recently attention has been paid to the question of hip belts in school buses. In Germany, the main problem is crowding of schoolchildren using school transport and in Austria the problem is the poor condition of the buses. In France, there is investment is the integration of school transport and regular traffic. In Canada, crash tests with rearward facing seats with hip belts have been succesful. (A)

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C 2142 S /72 / IRRD 849087

Linköping, Swedish Road and Traffic Research Institute VTI, 1992, IV + 38 p., 90 ref.; VTI meddelande ; 665 - ISSN 0347-6049

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