Skriftliga diffrentierade förar prov : uppföljning och analys av förarprovens egens kaper àr 1973.

Spolander, K

The written driving license test introduced in connection with the differentiated driver licensing system of January 1, 1973, were subjected analysis. The study was carried out on behalf of National Swedish Road Safety Office and covers the two sets of tests used during 1973. The purpose of the study was to analyze the characteristics of the tests in various respect, the predictability of test characteristics, changes in these characteristics over time, the equivalence of parallel versions of the tests and the qualities of separate tests items.

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B 5017 S /71/83/

Stockholm, Statens Väg- och Trafikinstitut VTI, 1974, 66 p., tab., ref.; Rapport No. 46.

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