Skull fractures in fatalities due to motor vehicle collisions.

Shkrum, M.J. Green, R.N. McClafferty, K.J. & Nowak, E.S.

Using 1984-1991 data from the Canadian Passenger Car Study, 89 fatalities with associated skull fractures were examined, and the factors responsible for, and significance of the findings in various motor vehicle collisions were analyzed. Crashes included front-end, side, and rear-end collisions between a passenger car and either another car/light truck, heavy truck or fixed object. Rollover collisions and pedestrian-vehicle front end collisions were also included. Multi-vehicle collisions and crashes with more than one fixed object were excluded. The results are discussed and conclusions are drawn.

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941159 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 39 (1994), No. 1 (January), p. 107-122, 21 ref.

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