Small is beautiful, but it makes our work more difficult.

Polak, P.H.

In addition to the problems that one encounters in normal statistical work, in the field of traffic safety research one has to cope with some problems that have in common that they appear when the numbers of accidents grow large enough. By the decrease of the number of accidents it is therefore necessary to develop and use statistical methods that take into account the underlying discrete distribution of accidents. Two methods are discussed here: The Poisson Assumption and the Regression-to-the-Mean effect.

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2 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 26131 (In: B 26113) /81 / IRRD 809385

In: Proceedings of the International Workshop "Recent Developments in road safety research", Koninklijk ConservatorIum, The Hague, 19 November 1986, p. 182-184, 1 ref.


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