Snel en veilig : een dilemma.

Mulder, J.A.G.

Speed is an important factor of influence in traffic safety and limiting the speed will therefore improve the traffic safety. Almost in every accident the wrong selection of speed has played a major role. But the choice of a safe speed can not be made by every road user and therefore measures should be made to simplify the choice or to enforce a certain speed. Measures taken to influence the speed should have consequences for those drivers which do not comply with them. More police enforcement and higher penalties can have a positive effect.


B 29707 (In: B 29701 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 828558

In: Voor alle veiligheid : bijdragen aan de bevordering van de verkeersveiligheid, 1989, p. 61-70, 6 ref.


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