Snelheidscampagne in Zuid-Oost Friesland : resultaten van het evaluatie-onderzoek.

Oei, H.-l. & Goldenbeld, C.

The results of the evaluation report of the speed campaign in the Dutch province of Friesland in 1994, showed an enforcement frequency of 50% of the planned frequency. A continuation of the speed campaign was decided, though on a smaller scale with a relatively high enforcement frequency. The enforcement was conducted using radar plus camera from an unobtrusive vehicle parked alongside the road. A sign showing `Your speed has been checked. Police' was positioned downstream from the enforcement site. Because of unfavourable circumstances the police was not able to conduct the enforcement in September to December 1995 as agreed, so the campaign was extended in 1996 from March to June. The enforcement June. The enforcement realised was 70% of the planned frequency. Information regarding the campaign was given periodically through the press and through posters alongside the road. The speed evaluation was conducted using double loops under the road surface. The driving speed (V90) was reduced by 3-9 km/h both on the enforced road sections and on neighbouring roads. However, the percentage of speeders was still high compared to the national objective of maximally 10% in the year 2000. For efficient speed enforcement, the management should give priority, among other things, to sufficient specially educated manpower.


C 7532 [electronic version only] /73 /83 / IRRD 890086

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1996, 55 p., 3 ref.; R-96-61


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