Snelheidsmetingen tijdens de voorlichtingscampagne 'Hou je aan de snelheidslimiet'. In opdracht van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Directoraat-Generaal Mobiliteit.

Schagen, I.N.L.G. van Commandeur, J.J.F. Stipdonk, H.L. Goldenbeld, C. & Kars, V.

Speed measurements during the public information campaign 'Keep to the limit' Speed is a very important factor for road safety. Speed not only influences the risk of a crash, but also the injury severity if a crash occurs. That is why the then Ministry of Transport (presently the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment), in cooperation with various partners conducted a national information campaign which was aimed at the smaller, often unintended speed violations on urban roads. The campaign was held from mid-April until mid June 2010. The purpose of the campaign was to achieve a change in attitude (risk awareness and a sense of values) and behavioural intention towards small speed violations. In 2010, changing the actual behaviour was not a purpose of the campaign. The campaign included a national component (TV, radio and the internet), and a local component (e.g. motorway matrix signs and traffic signs alongside urban 30 km/h and 50 km/h roads). Around the time of the campaign, the Ministry, in cooperation with SWOV, had speed measurements carried out. The purpose of these measurements was to monitor the speed behaviour in such a way that possible differences in speed behaviour could be measured at different locations, in relation with the speed limit, the presence of local roadside campaign information signs, and the presence of visible police enforcement. The speed measurements presented in this report may be considered a benchmark, against which the possible long term effects of repeatedly offering the message of the campaign can be assessed. In addition, the measurements can be used as a pilot study for possible future measurements. Therefore an exploratory design study has been chosen.


C 50271 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2010, 59 p., 16 ref.; D-2010-9


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