Snelle verbinding tussen de Randstad en het Noorden : de effecten op emissies en geluid.

Brink, R. van den Nijland, H. & Wee, B. van

The government is wondering whether it would be advisable to create a high-speed rail link between the Randstad en and the North of The Netherlands that would be known as the Zuiderzee line. The government's objectives with such a connection would be the following: (i) to reinforce regional-economic structures in the North of The Netherlands but also in the areas situated in between; (ii) to improve accessibility to the North of The Netherlands; (iii) to improve the way in which the Dutch employment market works; (iv) to diminish congestion in the Randstad notably on the Schiphol-Almere route. The task of the Zuiderzee line project group was to conduct a series of studies. The studies were then integrated into a Costs and Benefits Analysis. In this article the authors examine the effects that such a high-speed link would have on CO2, NOx and SO2 emissions and upon noise hindrance. Brief attention is given to the results of the Costs and Benefits Analysis. The article is a summary of a longer study that was conducted by Van den Brink et al., 2001. (A)

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20021217 ST [electronic version only]

Connektie Magazine/Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, Vol. 4 (2002), No. 12 (maart), p. 49-54, 16 ref.

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