Social acceptance of risk and their perception.

PIARC Technical Committee C.2 Safer Road Operations

This report was prepared by PIARC Technical Committee C3. It consists of 101 pages, including 40 pages of appendices (appendix A consists of 4 case-studies while appendix B presents the results of a survey on perception and social acceptance of risks). Chapter 1 presents the factors influencing risk perception of the general public: the catrastrophic potential, the familiarity and knowledge of the topic, institutional trust, media attention and impact on children. Chapter 2 presents the key categories of risk perception for road operations: those that are linked to the road itself, those that are related to the user with criteria of age, gender, profession, driving experience and finally the type of user - driver, motorcyclist, cyclist or pedestrian. Besides media impact of major incidents on the general public, culture has been identified as a major factor that influences risk perception. Chapter 3 shows that attitudes to risk depend largely on national cultural features. Among the recommendations outlined in chapter 4, the necessity of a pro-active communication of the road authorities about risk towards users is highlighted in order to foster institutional trust. (Author/publisher) This report is available from the internet site of the World Road Association (PIARC):

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20130133 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, World Road Association PIARC, 2013, 118 p., 136 ref.; 2012R30EN - ISBN 978-2-84060-298-9

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