Social effects of traffic in the year 2000. Paper presented at the Third International Meeting "Road Traffic Technique" Venetia, Italy, June, 3-6 1969.

Flowerdew, A.D.J.

This should be an article written in the year 2000. In chapter I the problems related to the social effects of a high degree of personal mobility, the ecology of the motor vehicle, environmental conflicts urban form and social psychology are described. Chapter II presents the proposed programme of research. Chapter III is an account of the present state of play in the simulation exercise or "Traffic Game ". The players in this Game are: travellers manufacturers, operators of public transport, town planners and legislators. Chapter IV reviews historical developments over the last 30 years and analysis in the light of current experience what changes in policy might have been advisable in past years.

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A 3093 (In: A 3084 - A 3094)

Third International Meeting "Road Traffic Technique" Venetia, Italy, June, 3-6 1969, Subject "Ideal Traffic Conditions", 9 p.

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