The social psychology of organizational behavior


The articles in this collection are organized into seven major sections: 1. the science and the metaphor of organizational behavior; 2. decision making; 3. negotiation and social dilemmas; 4. groups and teams; 5. procedural justice; 6. relationships and trust; 7. values, norms and politics. The organization of the book reflects a progression through widening levels of analysis. The section on decision making focuses on the cognition and behavior of the individual actor; the sections on negotiation and groups focus on dyads and groups; and the procedural justice, relationships and values section focus on how the organizational actor is embedded in networks, organizational norms and instrumental practices. For each of the major sections, there is a short overview.

Publicatie aanvragen

15 + 4 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
XIX + 441
Thompson, L.L.
Key Readings in Social Psychology
20230112 ST
Gepubliceerd door
Psychology Press, New York

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