The social support for policy measures in passenger transport : a statistical analysis for The Netherlands.

Rienstra, S.A. Rietveld, P. & Verhoef, E.T.

This paper empirically analyses the social feasibility of a wide range of transport policy measures. After a literature review, some general results of a project on the support for transport policy measures in the Netherlands are discussed. Next, a statistical analysis of opinions of various relevant subgroups of citizens is carried out. It appears that safety problems are considered most important from an individual point of view, while environmental problems are most severe from a social point of view. Measures with small direct effects on the behaviour of respondents are generally regarded as most effective by the respondents. The support for safety measures is highest, while perceived problems and effectiveness as well as personal features also influence the support for policy measures. It is concluded that the social support for transport policy measures and packages can be increased by attending to these underlying factors. (A)

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C 14604 [electronic version only] /15 /72 / IRRD E100828

Transportation Research Part D - Transport and Environment, Vol. 4 (1999), No. 3, p. 181-200, 32 ref.

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