A solid state digital data recorder for monitoring automotive crash environments.

Wolf, R.J.

A solid state digital data recorder has been developed for use in monitoring automotive impact environments. The recorder was designed to be a general purpose, on board data acquisition system. Each recorder channel has its own sensor preamplifier, analog to digital converter, 4096 x 8 bit random access memory, and digital to analog converter. The functions of reading and storing data by the recorder channels are determined by a single, common control module. A nine channel system was evaluated via a pneumatic shock machine, vibration testing on a shaker, 30 mph sled simulated vehicle-barrier impacts, and 30 mph vehicle barrier impacts.

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B 19945 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1978, V + 67 p.; DOT HS 803 666

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