Space-sharing by pedestrians and vehicles.

Dalby, E.

Space-sharing of the same area of street by pedestrians and vehicles can be employed to make greater use of the whole right-of-way width. Statistics suggest that in streets that have been almost accident-free for a few years the introduction of kerbless surfacing does not make matters noticeably worse, but data are insufficient to permit accurate rates to be calculated. Investigations have been made in two streets in Oxford where buses operate among pedestrians on kerbless surfaces, and the results are discussed.

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B 14016 (In: B 13154) /21/72/ IRRD 237643

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pedestrian Safety, Haifa, December 20-23, 1976, p. 107-113, 9 fig., 2 graph., 4 tab.

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