The specific pavements studies : key issues and potential products.

Hanna, A. & Hawks, N.

The initial Specific Pavement Studies (SPS) program of the SHRP Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) consists of eight experiments that address structural factors, pavement maintenance, pavement rehabilitation, and environmental effects. The experiments on structural factors will provide data to help select more economical designs for new and reconstructed flexible and rigid pavements. The experiments on maintenance will yield information to identify the most effective treatments for maintaining asphalt and concrete pavements. The experiments on rehabilitation will identify the most economical methods and strategies for rehabilitation of asphalt and portland cement concrete pavements. The experiment on environmental effects will yield data to improve the prediction of service ability loss due to environment. The paper summarizes the experimental plan for the SPS experiments, identifies the potential products and their applications, and highlights the potential benefits to participating agencies. (A)

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C 2261 (In: C 2189 f S) /22 /61 / IRRD 860219

In: Proceedings of the Conference Strategic Highway Research Program and Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 18-20, 1991, VTI rapport 372 A, Volume 6, p. 23-36

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