Speed-accident relationships on European roads.

Baruya, B.

This paper summarises the results of the investigation of speed-accident relationship on rural single-carriageway roads in the European Union. The MASTER (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) project set its goal to provide information for decision-making on speed management at both Community and national levels. One of the objectives of this project is to construct a framework for the assessment of the effects of speed, with due regard to the effect on environment, for use by the commission and national authorities in the determination of appropriate and acceptable ranges of speed for different kinds of roads in the European Union. (A)


C 15054 (In: C 15048) [electronic version only] /83 /80 / IRRD E101113

In: Transport Research Laboratory TRL annual research review 1998, p. 45-51, 24 ref.

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