The speed limit appraisal tool : user guidance.


The Department for Transport has re-issued guidance on setting local speed limits (DfT Circular 01/2013) with the aim of increasing flexibility for local highway authorities. In conjunction with the release of this revised guidance, it has also provided a speed limit appraisal tool, hosted on the DfT website, that will enable local highway authorities to assess the full costs and benefits of introducing a change in speed limits and make robustly defensible decisions on whether or not to introduce them. The purpose of the tool is to enable local highway authority officers and other professionals to: forecast mean and 85th percentile speeds for speed limit changes; forecast changes to: journey times separately for business and personal users; vehicle operating costs including fuel; accidents by severity; CO-2 emissions; and NOx emissions; and appraise changes in speed limits to20mph, 30mph, 40mph, 50mph, 60mph and, on dual carriageways, 70mph. (Author/publisher)

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20130208 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2013, 93 p.

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