Speed Limits New Zealand : guidelines for setting speed limits and procedures for calculating speed limits, as incorporated into the Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2003.

Land Transport Safety Authority LTSA

Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2003 specifies the legal procedure for establishing speed limits on public roads. The rule incorporates Speed Limits New Zealand as the procedures for calculating the speed limit, and the Land Transport Safety Authority (LTSA) has developed a computer program to assist with this. Speed Limits New Zealand (SLNZ) supersedes RTS 17 Guidelines for Setting Speed Limits. SLNZ specifies the procedures for calculating a permanent or holiday speed limit, and outlines the policy and principles on which the procedures are based. In the event of a contradiction between Part 1 of the rule and SLNZ, the provisions of Part 1 of the rule apply. (Author/publisher)

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C 45010 [electronic version only]

Wellington, Land Transport Safety Authority LTSA, 2003, 41 p.; Land Transport Rule

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