Speed management via in-car devices : effects, implications, perspectives.

Várhelyi, A.

The objectives of this paper are to identify in-vehicle systems for speed management that have been or are being developed, and to suggest recommendations for the implementation of systems that will effectively influence driving speeds and thereby significantly increase safety. The best safety effect is expected from an "intelligent" gas pedal, more specifically the automatic speed limiter. However, in terms of user acceptance, this system is least liked, although, acceptance seems to improve after it has been tried out. Nonetheless, the final goal for implementation should be a mandatory speed limiter system, starting with voluntary usage supported with educational measures. A period of car producers' standardisation of ISA-systems should be followed by legislation prescribing that all new vehicles are to be fitted with the system. Finally, some questions regarding further research are outlined. (Author/publisher).

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C 22642 [electronic version only] /73 /91 / ITRD E114042

Transportation, Vol. 29 (2002), No. 3 (August), p. 237-252, 36 ref.

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