Speed management : national practice and experiences in Denmark, the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom. Combined report in Developing Urban Management and Safety DUMAS, Work package 5, Task 4.

Greibe, P. & Nilsson, P.K.

This report forms the combined report in in Developing Urban Management and Safety DUMAS, Work package 5, Task 4. The combined report summarises national practice and experiences for design and assessment of speed management programs in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and in Denmark. The report is based on three national reports (task 5.2+5.3) produced by the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Denmark, and briefly draws up the reports main conclusions and findings. The three national reports are enclosed in Annex 1-3. (A)

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C 37142

Copenhagen, Danish Road Directorate DRD, 1999, 128 p., 75 ref.; Report ; No. 167 - ISSN 0909-4288 / ISBN 87-7491-908-3

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