Speed monitoring in the NSW local government environment.

Delli-Pizzi, A.

Road Safety 2010 outlines the NSW state government's strategic framework for improving road safety in NSW over the next decade and sets a target of halving the road toll by the year 2010. At the local council level, road safety issues have traditionally been addressed through engineering and traffic management measures. With the establishment of the Local Government Road Safety Program (LGRSP) in NSW in 1992, this approach has been broadened to encompass targeted behavioural and educational programs and planning activities. Working in partnership with the NSW State Government and other key stakeholders through the LGRSP, NSW Councils are utilising a combination of engineering, enforcement and education road safety countermeasures to address key issues. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208059.

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C 26550 (In: C 26548 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E208061

In: Turning plans into action : Saferoads 2002 : [proceedings of the] Local Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 16-17 July 2002, 6 p., 4 ref.

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