Speed-of-processing and driving simulator training result in improved driving performance.

Roenker, D.L. Cissell, G.M. Ball, K.K. Wadley, V.G. & Edwards, J.D.

The useful field of view (UFOV) is a measure of processing speed and spatial attention, and can be improved with training. This research evaluated the effects of this improvement on the driving performance of older adults. Elderly adults participated in a speed-of-processing training program, a traditional driver training program performed in a driving simulator, or a low-risk reference group. Before training, immediately after training or an equivalent time delay, and after an 18-mo delay, each subject was evaluated in a driving simulator and completed a 14-mile open-road driving evaluation. Speed-of-processing training, but not simulator training, improved a specific measure of UFOV, transferred to some simulator measures, and resulted in fewer dangerous maneuvers during the driving evaluation. The simulator trained group improved on 2 driving performance measures: turning into the correct lane and proper signal use. Similar effects were not observed in the speed-of-processing training or low-risk reference groups. The persistence of these effects over an 18-mo test interval was also evaluated.

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I E827867 /83 / ITRD E827867

Human Factors. 2003. Summer 45(2) pp218-233 (3 Fig., 2 Tab., Refs.)

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