Speed zones in Gladsaxe, Denmark.

Christiansen, I.

In 1996, the local authorities of Gladsaxe, a municipality of 62,000 inhabitants situated in the northern part of Copenhagen, established a 40 km/h speed zone in the residential area of Morkhoj. The normal speed limit in Danish urban areas is 50 km/h. This pilot project became a success with a marked reduction in speed levels and a 76 per cent decrease in traffic accidents. Overall, the 6,000 inhabitants in Morkhoj have been satisfied with the new speed limit. For the covering abstract see ITRD E117761.

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C 25338 (In: C 25330 [electronic version only]) /73 / ITRD E117769

In: Proceedings of Best in Europe 2002 - Safer Cities conference, held at Brussels, 25 June 2002, p. 33-35

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