Staatssecretaris verstrekt nadere gegevens over gezondheidstoestand dienstplichtige militairen.

Kruisinga, R.J.H. (staatssecretaris)

A summary is given of the data provided by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Public Health with respect to the health condition of military conscripts. The fluctuations in the results of medical examinations are discussed. Emphasized is the increase of insufficiently cured bone fractures, due mainly to moped accidents. Finally the findings of the T.N.O. report on the epidemiology of traffic accidents in the Netherlands with respect to accident involvement of young drivers (moped, car, motorcycle) are summarized.

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A 5915 [electronic version only]

Medisch Contact, Vol. 25 (1970), No. 4 (23 januari), p. 85-87

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