Stabilization of articulated vehicles by semi- active control method.

Kageyama, I. & Saito, Y.

This paper describes the stabilization of articulated vehicles at high speeds by a steering system set up on the trailer. First, the equations of motion of the articulated vehicles with a steering system on the trailer were obtained.Furthermore, the steering angle of the trailer in the presence of disturbances was studied by solving these equations through the application of modern control theory. From such analysis, the magnitude of the optimal feedback coefficients of each state variable was obtained. It was found, that the stability of articulated vehicles at high speeds was significantly improved by the active control method for the trailer steering system. However, the active control system needs a power supply and it is difficult to apply it to articulated vehicles at present, especially for passenger caIt was found, that this method was quite effective for achieving stability of articulated vehicles at high speeds.

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B 26862 (In: B 26851) /91 / IRRD 813902

In: The dynamics of vehicles on roads and tracks : proceedings of the 10th IAVSD symposium held at Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 24-28 1987, p. 199-209, 2 Ref

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