Stabilizing unpaved roads with calcium chloride.

Monlux, S.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service has stabilized unpaved road surfacing materials with relatively high concentrations of calcium chloride salt. The percentage of calcium chloride is higher than that traditionally used for dust abatement or aggregate base stabilization. Up to 2% pure salt by weight of aggregate was mixed into the top 2 in. (50 mm) of both aggregate and native road surfaces. The results were monitored for 2 to 4 years. The stabilized road surfaces resisted raveling and washboarding for several seasons and significantly reduced road blading and aggregate loss. As a result, calcium chloride stabilization may be a cost-effective treatment for roads with daily traffic volumes less than 200. Other benefits include reduced surface erosion and sedimentation; improved safety from reduced dust, raveling, and washboarding; and less frost penetration. Encouraged by these results, the Forest Service is conducting additional evaluations to determine the cost-effectiveness of surface stabilization with both magnesium chloride and calcium chloride in different environments and with different aggregate materials. This paper is also available on CD-ROM (see C 30152 CD-ROM).

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C 30107 (In: C 30100 S [electronic version only]) /42 /33 / IRRD E824875

In: Eight International Conference on Low-Volume Roads 2003 : papers presented at the Eight International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, Reno, Nevada, June 22-25, 2003, Volume 2, Transportation Research Record TRR 1819, p. 52-56

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