Stalling 21 : toekomstige fietsvoorzieningen bij NS-stations

Bekker, M.E. & Hoeven, D.A. van der

"Rail 21", the plan for the future of the Netherlands Railways, aims to double the passenger- kilometers travelled. This will increase the traffic travelling to and from railway stations. As a consequence the Netherlands Railways has started a survey for the future of the bicycle parking facilities at the railway stations ("Stalling 21"). The survey covers developments that will lead to new qualifications for the capacity and lay out of bicycle parking facilities in the future. This paper describes the purpose and first results of "Stalling 21".

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B 30754 (In: B 30751 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 835857

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 1990, p. 43-62, 11 ref.

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