The starting characteristics of automobile platoons.

Herman, R. Lam, T. & Rothery, R.W.

Results of a series of experiments carried out to determine the starting characteristics of automobile platoons are reported. In particular, the space-time trajectories of the lead and last vehicles have been examined in detail in order to determine the macroscopic properties of vehicular platoons. The effects of such factors as initial inter-vehicle spacing, speed, starting delay, and acceleration behaviour are presented.

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B 11502 (In: B 11501) /71/ IRRD 206956

In: Traffic flow and transportation : proceedings of the 5th international Symposium on the Theory of Traffic flow and Transportation, Berkeley, California, June 16-18, 1971, New York, NY, American Elsevier, 1972, p. 1-17, 8 graph., 3 tab., 8 ref.

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