Starting work and work experience : teachers' notes.


Young people are more likely to be in paid employment now than they were 50 years ago. Starting work or work experience can be a daunting, as well as an exciting experience. It presents a variety of new risks, including road risks when travelling to a new place of employment or using the road while at work, as well as health and safety risks in the workplace. Between 1996 and 2001, 54 young people (under 18 years old) were killed in the workplace and there were 12,599 serious injuries to young workers involving broken limbs, amputations and serious burns. The TUC estimate that 10 young workers are seriously injured at work every week. These figures do not include any deaths or injuries to young people on the road during the course of their work or travelling to or from work. (Author/publisher)

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20060818 ST [electronic version only]

Birmingham, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA, 2006, [5] p.; Road Safety in Citizenship 2 : A Key Stage 4 Resource

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