Startprogramma Duurzaam Veilig

monitoring van verkeersveiligheidseffecten. Deel 1
Noordzij, P.C. & Bijleveld, F.D.

During 1998-2002, the 'Start-Up Programme Sustainable Safety' is carried out in the Netherlands. A series of measures was included to arrive at a sustainably safe traffic system. This report is part of a study of the possibilities of monitoring the road safety effects of these measures. The report provides an overview of the possibilities of following the Start-Up Programme 'mopeds on the carriageway' and 'cyclists right-of-way from the right' measures, by means of a monitoring programme. This study researches how, in the short-term, to follow the consequences of both measures, including the negative ones. Such a relatively rapid, qualitative impression is possible by using accident and hospital data from the Netherlands Transport Research Centre (AVV) registration and the Injury Surveillance System (LIS) of the Consumer Safety Institute. This can be supplemented by data from surveys, interviews, newspaper cuttings, and behavioural observations. The most important recommendation from the study is that LIS data must be used to follow general trends in moped, light-moped (In Dutch: "snorfiets") and cyclist victims. Other sources are only necessary if LIS data shows that there is possibly something wrong. Anyway, behavioural observations can also be used in other studies, especially those afterwards, concerning the effects of the same measures. (A) For the second part see ITRD E203634.


C 16089 [electronic version only] /81 / ITRD E203633

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2000, 24 p., 11 ref.; R-2000-19I


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