State of the art Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).

OEI, H.-L.

An overview of state-of-the-art ADA Advanced Driver Assistance systems is given. First a main structuring system for the ADA systems is presented, needed for purposes of relevancy, and consistency : the three phases in the accident process, i.e. pre-crash, crash and post-crash; the driving task at strategic, tactical and operational level; the subtasks perception, decision making and action; feedback to the driver : plain information, general warning, specific advice, taking over the action by the system; vehicle type application: heavy vehicle, passenger car, bus, vulenrable road users. The overview is ordered into: goals and user needs approached from the driver, fleet owner, and road authority; functionality, system evaluation and impact assessment of the ADA system. The main ADA systems being overviewed are: navigation systems; traveller information systems; driver vigilance and health monitoring; longitudinal control : intelligent speed adaptation, advanced cruise control, stop-and-go; lateral control : road departure, lane change control; collision avoidance : against other vehicles, obstacles and at intersections. (Author/publisher)

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20170646 ST [electronic version only]

In: IT solustions for safety and security in intelligent transport : proceedings of the ITS - ERTICO E-Safety Congress and Exhibition, Lyon, France, September 16-18, 2002, 11 p., 11 ref.


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