State of the art rapport "verkeersstroommodellen". Deel VI: Mesoscopische Verkeersstroommodellen

Botma, H.

The sixth part deals with mesoscopic traffic flow models describing the behaviour of mesoscopic traffic flow characteristics. Firstly, the platoon models are dealt with; they are so called because platoons play a central part in them. A distinction is made between platoon models for two-way traffic in two lanes, one-way traffic in one lane and one-way traffic in two or more lanes. Secondly, the boltzmann models are discussed; their name is due to an analogy with statistical-mechanical considerations of particle systems. In these not the platoons but the speed distributions are the focal point. These models are drawn up solely for one-way traffic in more than one lane, the lanes not being dealt with separately. The most important conclusion is that many mesoscopic traffic flow models have been drawn up which have hardly been tested. Their value is therefore largely unknown at present. For part i-v see irrd abstracts nos 240606-240609 and 261941.


B 20203 [electronic version only] /71 / IRRD 261942

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1978, 32 p. + var. app., ref.; R-78-40


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