State laws on re-examining drivers.

The NCUTLO Staff

Forty-five states and the District of Columbia have laws providing for some form of re-examination upon renewal of a driver's license. Twenty-two have mandatory re-examination requirements. Re-examination upon license renewal is authorized but not required in eighteen jurisdictions. Six states provide for re-examination only where there is reason to believe the applicant is no longer qualified. Only three of the states specifically require that all licensees submit to an eye test and a test of knowledge of traffic laws at least once every four years.

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B 14944 /73.3/83.5/

Washington, D.C., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1972, 46 p., tab.; DOT HS 800 747 / Traffic Laws Commentary, Vol. 1 (1972), No. 7 (November), p. 1-46

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