Stated Choice valuation of urban traffic air pollution and noise.

Saelensminde, K.

In this study environmental problems related to urban traffic are valued by Stated Choice. Stated Choice is a Stated Preference method in which non-market goods are assessed relatively to each other and not in absolute amounts as with the more common Contingent Valuation Method. The use of Stated Choice to estimate people's willingness to pay to reduce environmental problems caused by road traffic can be seen as an extension of the established use of Stated Choice in transport research. Despite the fact that the results from this study have been used by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in their cost benefit analyses since 1995, this paper points to the fact that considerable uncertainty remains with regard to (1) the area of validity of the results, (2) the impact on the valuations of interaction effects and other general methodological problems with Stated Preference methods, and (3) problems related to the complex choice situation of Stated Choice.

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I E100629 /15 / ITRD E100629

Transportation Research Part D. 1999 /01. 4d(1) Pp13-27 (45 Refs.)

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