Stated reasons for reducing work-commute by car.

Eriksson, L. Friman, M. & Gaerling, T.

A survey is reported that requested work-commuters by car to state reasons that would make them reduce car use for the work commute. All participants (n = 1218) were employed by companies located in the center of a medium-size Swedish city (pop. 82,000). Among 76% of the car users (n = 602) whostated any reasons, the most frequent were improved public transport and work from home some days. Shorter travel times, an increased frequency of service and lower fares were the most frequent reasons for increasing public transport use. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E140122 /70 / ITRD E140122

Transportation Research, Part F. 2008 /11. 11(6) Pp427-433 (35 Refs.)

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